
An ardent coder, with an endearment fondness towards looming technology and its development. A trailblazer when working on projects, seeking full-time software developer role.

Growing up, my predilection for computers encouraged me to study computers and a goal to expertise technologies that was relevant to it became my passion. A comprehensive schooling in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, where I lived and steadfast preparations gained me an admission at the prestigious Vellore Institute of Technology, for my preferred course in Electronics and Computer Engineering. Upon landing amidst the most diversified environment, I happened to meet people from across the country and other parts of the world. I made quite good friends after an exploration of my social skills which also broadened my perception of culture and diversification.

My undergraduate degree in Electronics and Computer Engineering gave me a solid foundation in the principals of engineering and computer science. I was able to put what I had learned in the classroom into practice by working on real-world projects. I also had the opportunity to take part in a variety of extracurricular activities, such volunteer work and internships, which helped me to develop my skills and earn valuable experience.

As I embarked on my master's journey in Computer Science at Wayne State University, I eagerly ventured into the realm of knowledge and skill-building. Now, having successfully completed one enriching year at this esteemed institution and having undertaken a transformative 3-month internship thereafter, my passion for delving deeper into the field has only grown stronger. With the guidance of Wayne State's distinguished faculty and the camaraderie of its supportive academic community, I am fueled with confidence as I approach the final semester of my master's program.

My recent internship experience at Amazon as a Software Developer has been a pivotal point in my journey, allowing me to apply the theories and skills I've learned in a real-world context. This practical exposure has deepened my understanding and reaffirmed my dedication to this dynamic field. As I look ahead to the final semester and the prospect of graduation, I am excited to leverage the wealth of knowledge I've gained so far and channel it into my upcoming endeavors.


Graduate Details -

Wayne State University, Detroit
August 2022- Present
Master of Science
Computer Science

Undergraduate Details -

Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai
July 2018 - June 2022
Bachelor of Technology
Electronics and Computer Engineering

Higher Secondary details -

The PSBB Millennium School, Chennai
June 2016 - May 2018
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
AISSCE, PCM - Computer Science


Languages Known

  • English - Full Professional Proficiency
  • Tamil - Full Professional Proficiency
  • Spanish - Limited Professional Proficiency
  • Hindi - Limited Professional Proficiency


  • Coding
  • Video Editing
  • Learning
  • Playing FPS Games





Smart Logistics for Quality Food during Pademic Crisis

The conventional method of checking the safety and freshness of goods (fruits and vegetables) is done manually by a person during the loading and unloading process. In this real-time monitoring system, the goods are monitored using sensors. Temperature, photoresistor and ultrasonic sensors are used to gather information about the freshness of the product. The NodeMCU module in the model sends data given by the sensors to the cloud and then sends alerts to a phone/computer for remote monitoring in transit. This system can keep check the goods from being damaged or rotten during transportation. There were several instances in which, stale food was delivered to the restaurants and several people got infected. This system could be monitored by the health department to avoid decayed food consumption by the consumers. To know more about this project, click here.

IoT Based Auto-Disinfectant Sprinkler System for Large Enclosed Space

COVID-19 created the necessity of sanitizing every corner to keep life secured. In conventional means, sanitization is handled by sprinklers in a variety of shapes and sizes. These sprinklers are either human controlled or machine controlled and does the job by placing them on the floor. The conventional sprinkling system is risky and exerts tremendous pressure on the working personnel; also, it does not assure of covering the entire space intended-for. The proposed auto-sprinkler overcomes these limitations by attaching it to the roof/ceiling and performs the process of sprinkling the disinfectant solution in mist form while being rotated at a 360 degree angle to ensure more coverage. The sprinkling distance is measured automatically using ultrasonic sensor. The Wi-Fi module in the system gets the data inputs from a website where the admin user can enter the start/stop time and duration of the spray. This system keeps a strict check on whether the place is sanitized or not and gives an alert notification if it has been a long time since the last sanitization took place. The prototype was tested and found to be very useful during the Covid-19 pandemic. To know more about this project, click here.

IoT Home Automation

The goal of this project is to simulate automation of home applications like fan and light using temperature and Ldr sensors using raspberry pi and blynk app. Also update the data in thingspeak cloud and get mobile notification using IFTTT. To know more about this project, click here.

A Futuristic Approach for Stroke Rehabilitation Using Smart Gloves

Stroke is a serious, common, and assured as a global health issue across the globe. Stroke is one of most common cause of death and is a leading cause of impairment in adults. Despite all impressive progression and development in the treatment of stroke, without effective modes of care most stroke patients care will continue to rely on physiotherapy involvement. The purpose of this paper is to explain about a new and better device which helps patients affected by stroke who are not able to move their hands. To rehabilitate stroke survivors, the proposed prototype is designed such that it is a portable smart glove which helps users to regain their muscle memory by continuously contracting and releasing their muscles without the involvement of physiotherapist. This device/glove also consists of sensors that collect and send data to UI using ESP32. This UI is available for the doctors to see the statistics of glove usage and monitors the patient. The Glove uses a soft robotics approach to replicate the human hand. The Glove initially aims to contract and release all the muscles in the hand in regular intervals of time. This muscle movement aims to build lost muscle memory. To know more about this project, click here.

Vaccine Monitoring using Localized Backend Communication with Rest and Self-Hosted API

In real-world application, projects using public and open-source API will not suffice the needs of a private organization and its security is questionable. To overcome this, creating a local hosted API to store data is more secure as it is not connected to the internet. Also gives us flexibility and reliability compared to an open-source environment. To know more about this project, click here.

Yagi-Long Range Antenna

This antenna will extend the range of your Wi-Fi or 2.4GHz devices (like surveillance cameras) into many miles and kilometers. A Yagi antenna is basically a telescope for radio waves. The Yagi antenna has 20 parasitic elements. This ensures it has a long-range communication , although having a long-range communication does sacrifice on beam width. We have used a 20mm stainless steel boom, 3mm stainless steel parasitic elements, 6mm stainless steel reflector element and a 3mm copper tube for the dipole. We calculated the values to get all the position for all the elements of the antenna. To know more about this project, click here.

Prevention of Side Pulling Using AWS Cloud and OpenCV

To reduce the accidents that occurs because of side pulling we have come up with a method to warn the crane handler and the people nearby. This device will have a Node camera attached to it using which photos of the surface below the hoist will be taken each second. And each time a photo is taken it will be sent to the cloud. In the cloud, using OpenCV we will detect the occurrence of side pulling if it happens. To detect this, we will be applying machine learning algorithms in OpenCV. If a side pulling is detected, a message is instantaneously sent to the crane handler from the cloud and a buzzer beep to warn the people nearby. To know more about this project, click here.

Implementing Tree Topology in ESP32 and Reducing Load in Routes of a Network for Blood Banks

The unit which administers and manages the requisition and distribution of the blood is named as a blood bank. The main objectives of the blood bank is to provide blood to the patients with minimal blood transfusion error. Blood is a very important medical supply so it should be managed well. As the blood bank management consists of several manual steps, therefore it will become difficult for the blood banks to provide a high level of accuracy, reliability, automation in blood storage and transfusion process. The system proposed is divided into three segments, the first segment consists of Temperature sensor, IR sensor nodes which is installed in rack of blood bank, and the GSM Module for sending request of blood to the donors and to blood banks so that all these are interfaced with Arduino Mega. Second segment consists of Wi-Fi module for data transfer to the server and third segment is used to display the status of available blood stock. The real-time status of blood stock of the blood bank is displayed on web page, so that the blood seekers can get the blood from their nearest blood bank. To know more about this project, click here.

Identification of Improvement Potentials to Promote Sustainability of Energy Efficiency to Outdated Cutting Machine Tools

When we are using existing machine tools we don't know when a drill bit will wear off or not so if a process is going on and the drill wears off, we must stop the process and start it again with new bit for the same material so waste of time waste of energy and waste of material. We develop an ML algorithm to rectify this error in real time. To know more about this project, click here.

E-Commerce Platform Management

In this modern era of online shopping no seller wants to be left behind, moreover due to its simplicity the shift from offline selling model to an online selling model is witnessing a rampant growth. This significant change in business model is witnessing tremendous growth around the globe and India is not an exception. A massive internet penetration has added to growth of E-commerce and more particularly start-ups have been increasingly using this option as a differentiating business model. Moreover, E-Commerce has significant influences on the environment. Although the model is highly used in current business scenarios, the option has not been explored at its fullest. Therefore, as an engineer our job is to ease the path of this transition for the seller. Amongst many things that an online site requires the most important is a database system. Hence, in this project we designed a database where small clothing sellers can sell their product online. To know more about this project, click here.

Protoyping an FPV Drone

Created an FPV drone from scratch with friends to compete in drone racing competitions.

Work Experience

May 2023 - July 2023
Software Development Engineer Intern

  • Developed an internal website and tool for Amazon Marketplace to track and analyze product offerings across global platforms, enhancing operational effectiveness and decision-making for engineers.
  • Collaborated with a multidisciplinary team in an agile development process, delivered high-quality code and conducted rigorous testing to ensure project success.
  • Utilized Java and AWS services (e.g., Lambda, S3, DynamoDB) to build scalable backend functionalities, optimize data processing pipelines, and improve system efficiency.

May 2022 - July 2022
Cybersecurity Intern

  • Assisted with network and system security: Helped to implement security measures, such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems.
  • Supported data protection: Assisted with securing sensitive information, such as by implementing encryption or secure protocols.
  • Conducted risk assessments: Helped to identify potential security risks and evaluated their impact on the organization.
  • Participated in incident response: Helped to detect and respond to security incidents, such as data breaches, and assisted in the investigation of security incidents.
  • Learned about cyber laws and regulations: Gained an understanding of relevant laws and regulations and assisted in ensuring the organization's compliance with these requirements.

Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
August 2021 - April 2022
Digital Twin Research Intern

  • Assisted in developing digital twin models: Helped to develop virtual representations of physical systems, which can be used for the "Beach bot" model we created. The idea was to create a robot which can pick up waste on beaches.
  • Conducted simulations: Helped simulate the behaviour of physical systems using digital twin models, which can be used to optimize designs, predict maintenance needs, and more.
  • Collected and analyzed data: Collected data from physical systems and analyzed it to improve the accuracy of digital twin models.
  • Developed algorithms: Helped develop algorithms for data analysis and optimization, which can be used to improve the performance of digital twin models.
  • Presented research results: Presented research results to the team, which helped them to advance in the field of digital twins.

F13 Technologies
November 2021 - March 2022
AWS Cloud Intern

  • Assisted with AWS deployments: Helped to deploy and configure AWS services, such as Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, and Amazon RDS.
  • Supported cloud migrations: Assisted with migrating applications and data to the AWS Cloud, which can help organizations improve scalability, reliability, and security.
  • Monitored and troubleshot AWS resources: Helped to monitor AWS resources to ensure that they are functioning properly and resolved any issues that arose.
  • Developed scripts and automation tools: Helped to develop scripts and automation tools to automate repetitive tasks and improve the efficiency of AWS deployments.
  • Learned about AWS best practices: Gained knowledge of AWS best practices and helped ensure that F13 Technologies' AWS deployments follow these best practices.

GAOTek Inc.
November 2021 - February 2022
Software Development Intern

  • Wrote API documentation: Documented Gaotek Inc.'s APIs, including endpoints, input/output parameters, and error codes, to help developers understand how to use the APIs.
  • Assisted with API design: Provided feedback on API design and helped to ensure that the APIs are well-designed, easy to use, and consistent.
  • Created code samples: Created code samples in various programming languages to help developers understand how to use the APIs.
  • Tested APIs: Tested the APIs to ensure that they function as intended and that the documentation accurately reflects their behaviour.
  • Keeping documentation up to date: Kept the API documentation up to date as the APIs changed, which helps ensure that developers have accurate information about how to use the APIs.

October 2021 - November 2021
Data Analysis Intern

  • Collected and cleaned data: Collected data from various sources, such as databases and websites, and cleaned the data to ensure that it is accurate and usable.
  • Analyzed data: Used various tools, such as spreadsheets and data visualization software, to analyze the data and identify patterns and trends.
  • Created reports and visualizations: Created reports and visualizations to communicate the results of my data analysis to stakeholders, such as managers and executives.
  • Supported data-driven decision-making: Provided insights and recommendations based on my data analysis, which helped Globalshala and Saint Louis University make data-driven decisions.
  • Learned about data analysis methodologies: Gained knowledge of various data analysis methodologies, such as statistical analysis and machine learning, and applied these methodologies to real-world problems.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, SB PIT
May 2021 - July 2021
IoT with ML Development Intern

  • IoT development: Worked on developing IoT devices and systems, such as sensors and actuators, and integrating them with cloud platforms.
  • ML development: Worked on developing machine learning models, such as supervised and unsupervised models, and deploying them on IoT devices or cloud platforms.
  • Home automation project: Completed a project in which I integrated IoT devices and ML models to create a home automation system. This project allowed me to apply my knowledge of IoT and ML in a real-world setting and build a functioning system.
  • Collaborated with team members: Worked with a team of engineers and other professionals, collaborating on the development of IoT and ML solutions and sharing knowledge and ideas.
  • Learned about IoT and ML technologies: Gained a deeper understanding of IoT and ML technologies, including their capabilities, limitations, and best practices for development and deployment.

Voluntary Activities

Bhumi, NGO
June 2021 - August 2021
Worked as a Marketing Intern for a project related to TN RTE Act where we guided underprivileged people to get free education in schools.

Bhumi, NGO
February 2021 - April 2021
Worked as a HR volunteer for a project related to climate change where we had to conduct the whole selection process for students.

Indian Association for Blind
February 2020
Helped raise money for the IAB by selling baked products made by them.


Smart Logistics For Quality Food During Pandemic
Aghil T., Nagajayanthi B., Kumaar S.B., Sanjay G. (2022) Smart Logistics for Quality Food During Pandemic Crisis. In: Sivasubramanian A., Shastry P.N., Hong P.C. (eds) Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 792. Springer, Singapore.

IOT Based Auto Disinfectant Sprinkler System
Varshini K.S.A., Aghil T., Anuradha G., Ramanathan Y.A., Suganya G., Karunamurthy K. (2022) IoT-Based Auto-Disinfectant Sprinkler System for Large Enclosed Space. In: Raje R.R., Hussain F., Kannan R.J. (eds) Artificial Intelligence and Technologies. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 806. Springer, Singapore.

A Futuristic Approach for Stroke Rehabilitation Using Smart Gloves
T Aghil et al 2021 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2115 012025



This is bold and this is strong. This is italic and this is emphasized. This is superscript text and this is subscript text. This is underlined and this is code: for (;;) { ... }. Finally, this is a link.

Heading Level 2

Heading Level 3

Heading Level 4

Heading Level 5
Heading Level 6


Fringilla nisl. Donec accumsan interdum nisi, quis tincidunt felis sagittis eget tempus euismod. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus vestibulum. Blandit adipiscing eu felis iaculis volutpat ac adipiscing accumsan faucibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus lorem ipsum dolor sit amet nullam adipiscing eu felis.


i = 0;

while (!deck.isInOrder()) {
    print 'Iteration ' + i;

print 'It took ' + i + ' iterations to sort the deck.';



  • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  • Sagittis adipiscing.
  • Felis enim feugiat.


  • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  • Sagittis adipiscing.
  • Felis enim feugiat.


  1. Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  2. Etiam vel felis viverra.
  3. Felis enim feugiat.
  4. Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  5. Etiam vel felis lorem.
  6. Felis enim et feugiat.





Name Description Price
Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


Name Description Price
Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


  • Disabled
  • Disabled
